Curriculum Vitae
You can download a .pdf version of my CV here.
Academic Employment
- Assistant Professor of Economics (tenure-track), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2021-Present).
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, Berkeley (2021).
- Thesis Committee: Yuriy Gorodnichenko (chair), Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, Christina Romer.
- Credential ID: 211KOAXWM9SX Show Credential
- Visiting Graduate Student, Columbia University (2014).
- M.Res. in Economics, Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2013).
- M.Sc. in Economics and Finance, Barcelona School of Economics (2012).
- B.S. (Llicenciatura) in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2011).
Previous Appointments
- Research Assistant with Prof. Yuriy Gorodnichenko, University of California, Berkeley (2016).
- Research Assistant with Prof. Antonio Ciccone, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Summer 2011).
- Research Assistant with Prof. Libertad González Luna, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2010-2011).
Research Interests
Macroeconomics, Finance, Banking, Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Economic History.
Published/Accepted Papers
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, and Johannes Wieland. "Infrequent but long-lived zero lower bound episodes and the optimal rate of inflation." Annual Review of Economics 8 (2016): 497-520.
Policy Papers
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, HKUST SBM and HSBC. "e-HKD Pilot Programme."
Working Papers
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, Matthias Hoelzlein, and Jens Orben. "Efficiency, Risk and the Gains from Trade in Interbank Markets." Working Paper (2024).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc and Seung Joo Lee. "Higher-Order Forward Guidance." Working Paper (2024).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc and Cassie Xiang. "Gender Gap, Structural Change and Female Comparative Advantage: A Quantitative Analysis of China." Working Paper (2024).
- Joo Lee, Seung, and Marc Dordal i Carreras. "Self-fulfilling Volatility and a New Monetary Policy." Working Paper (2024).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc and Seung Joo Lee. "The Spatial Transmission of US Banking Panics: Evidence from 1870-1929." Working Paper (2024).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, Seung Joo Lee, and Zhenghua Qi. "Endogenous Firm Entry and the Monetary Policy 'Room'." Working Paper (2025).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, Kohei Kawaguchi, Si Yuan Jin and Haicheng Guo "Consumer Perceptions and Willingness to Adopt rCBDCs Before and After the e-HKD Pilot." Working Paper (2025).
- Joo Lee, Seung, and Marc Dordal i Carreras. "Yield-Curve Control Policy under Inelastic Financial Markets." Working Paper (2025).
In Progress
- Coibion, Olivier, Marc Dordal i Carreras, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, and Cooper Howes. "What Do We Learn From Reading Every FOMC Transcript?." In Progress (2024).
- Dordal i Carreras, Marc, Kohei Kawaguchi and Si Yuan Jin "Informational Experiment on Consumer's Perception of Central Bank Digital Currency as Liquidity Assets." In Progress (2024).
Research Grants, Honors, and Awards
- Research Grants Council, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Project #: 26603022, “Fed “Influencers”: How individual characteristics and charisma affect FOMC policy decisions.” Funding: HK$854,550 (2023-2025).
- Doctoral Completion Fellowship, UC Berkeley (2019).
- Bank of Spain Study Grant, Bank of Spain (2016).
- BEHL 2nd Year Student Mentored Fellowship, Berkeley Economics History Laboratory (2015).
- “La Caixa” Foundation Scholarship for graduate studies and research in the USA, “La Caixa” Foundation (2012).
- Teaching Assistantship Grant, Economics and Business Department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2011).
- Award to the top ten academic transcripts of the cohort, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2011).
- Collaboration Grant, Spanish Ministry of Education (2010).
Journal of Monetary Economics (×3); The Review of Economics and Statistics; Pacific Economic Review.
Ph.D. Student Supervision
- Chen (Cassie) XIANG (main supervisor), webpage.
- Zhenghua QI (co-supervisor), webpage.
- Hongwei Zou (main supervisor).
- Yueqi Wu (co-supervisor).
Ph.D. Thesis Committee Member
Zhenghua QI (job market candidate); Xiang SHI; Jun YU; Hei Chun (Alvin) LO.
- Economics Department, HKUST
- Spring 22; Fall 22-24: ECON 2123 Macroeconomics.
- Fall 21-24: ECON 5250 Macroeconomic Theory I.
- Fall 22, Summer 24: ECON 6980-R1 (UG/M.Sc. Independent Research Study supervisor).
Service and Leadership
- Member, Postgraduate Committee, Economics Department, HKUST (2023-Present).
- Co-organizer, Macro Reading group and Research Postgraduate Student Workshop, HKUST (2022-Present).
Conferences, Events & Seminars (including scheduled, * by co-authors)
2025 - ASIFMA Annual Conference 2025.
2024 - IV Winter Workshop, Societat d’Economia Catalana; 2024 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (EWMES 2024), Universitat de les Illes Balears; Econometric Society Australasian Meetings (ESAM2024), Monash University; International Macro History Online Seminar Series (IMHOS - Graduate Institute’s Centre for Finance and Development and CEPR)*; London Juniors Finance Workshop (Imperial College London)*; Saïd Business School Finance Jamboree*; 2024 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society in China (AMES2024-China), Zhejiang University; 7th HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop; 2024 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East & Southeast Asia (AMES-E/SE) (declined); CREI-UPF Macroeconomics Seminar; 2024 Annual Meeting Society for Economic Dynamics (SED2024)*; 2024 Econometric Society North America Summer Meeting (NASM2024)*; 39th European Economic Association Meeting (EEA-ESEM-2024)*; International Conference on Central Bank Digital Currencies and Payment Systems, HKMA, AoF/HKIMR and HKUST; Center for Economic Policy Brownbag seminar, HKUST.
2023 - Tsinghua School of Economics and Management; East Asia Macroeconomics Conference, CUHK; Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES Singapore), NTU Singapore; 6th HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop; 11th Meeting of the Hong Kong Junior Macro Group; Third Catalan Economic Society Conference (CESC); 6th CEBRA Meeting, Abu Dhabi*; Notre Dame Macro Day*; UT Austin - McCombs (finance)*; Oxford (economics department’s macro seminar)*.
2022 - 5th HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop; 5th Meeting of the Hong Kong Junior Macro Group; PAELLA Conference, Notre Dame*; London School of Economics*; Canadian Economics Association Meetings (CEA 2022)*; Oxford Saïd – Risk Centre at ETH Zürich Macro-Finance Conference 2022 (at Oxford)*; The University of Hong Kong (macro)*; Princeton (macro internal)*; Princeton (finance internal)*.
2021 - UC Berkeley (macro lunch, GEMS); Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Financial Stability Division and International Finance Division)*; University of Oxford - Saïd (finance)*; The University of Hong Kong (macro)*; NYU - Stern and NYU - Shanghai (finance)*; Bank of Canada*.
2020 - UC Berkeley (macro lunch, GEMS); Notre Dame Macro Seminar*.
Conference Paper Discussant
- The Sixth China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM2024), discussant for “A Macroeconomic Model with Bond Market Liquidity” by Huifeng Chang (2024).
- EFG and CUHK(SZ) Joint Macro Workshop on “Expectations, Information Frictions and Economic Policy”, discussant for “Inflation Disagreement Weakens the Power of Monetary Policy” by Ding Dong, Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang, and Min Wei (2024).
- HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop, 4th edition, discussant for “Flattening of the Phillips Curve: Causes and Their Policy Implications” by Chen Kan (2021).
Conferences & Events Local Organizing Activities
- International Conference on Central Bank Digital Currencies and Payment Systems, HKMA, AoF/HKIMR and HKUST (2024).
- HKUST/Jinan Joint Macro Workshop, 6th - 8th editions, HKUST and Jinan University (2022-2024).
- Hong Kong Junior Macro Workshop, 5th edition, HKUST (2022).
- “Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains and the Digital Economy.” HKUST, Center for Economic Policy (2022).
- “Central Bank Digital Currencies: Implementation, Applications and Challenges.” HKUST, Center for Economic Policy (2022).
Professional Membership
- Econometric Society; American Economic Association; European Economic Association; Societat Catalana d’Economia.
Public Engagement
- Interviwee for CREACCIÓ / Observatori Socioeconòmic d’Osona, El 9 Nou and, “El Talent Convidat” (2024). Digital media: Web DOT - Talent Osona, El 9 Nou,, CREACCIÓ - Youtube.
Catalan (native), Spanish (native), English (proficient).